Classroom Instruction That Works lists two strategies that are designed to extend and apply students’ understanding – Identifying Similarities and Differences and Generating and Testing Hypotheses. If you refer back to Develop Students’ Understanding, you will see that we discussed how to transition students to the Understanding part of learning. Now, we will explore how to move beyond understanding. Basically, once a student understands a concept, they should be able to do something with that information. They should eventually become contributors of information. In order to contribute, they have to be able to compare and contrast ideas, as well as, construct and test hypotheses.
Identifying Similarities and Differences – Spin the wheel below and explore the type of tool that is selected. Spin the wheel again and explore another type of tool. (For examples of types of tools, please visit Develop Students’ Understanding.) Then, identify at least two things that the tools have in common and at least two things that are different about the tools. Then, blog about the similarities and differences on your blog site. Type a response along with your web address in my blog, so that, other readers and I can know to visit your site to read the similarities and differences you noted.
Generating and Testing Hypotheses – Belton Instructional Technology (BTW, they used Weebly (a free web tool) to design their website.) summarized the ideas of Classroom Instruction That Works and provide a list of suggested technology integration tools for Generating and Testing Hypotheses. Read the summary and explore some of these tools. Then, use the Automatic Hypothesis Generator to develop a hypothesis about the students you teach and the technology integration tools Belton suggested. Paste your hypothesis as a response to this blog. Let’s have fun!