How to Use Google Classroom to Streamline Your Teaching 

With the current digital landscape, it is more important for teachers to become comfortable using technology in the classroom. One of the most popular tools for educators today is Google Classroom. Google Classroom allows teachers to easily manage their classes, assign and collect work, grade assignments, and communicate with students all in one place. Here’s how you can use Google Classroom as a teacher. 

Creating a Classroom on Google Classroom 

The first step in using Google Classroom is setting up your classroom. You’ll need to create an account and add your students by sending them an invitation code or manually entering their email addresses. Once they have accepted your invitation, they can join the class and access all of its content. 

Creating Assignments with Google Classroom 

Once you have created a class in Google Classroom, you can begin creating assignments. To do this, click on the “New Assignment” button on the left side of the screen. You will then be taken to a page where you can enter details about your assignment, such as its title, description, due date/time, attachments (e.g., documents or images), and more. Once you have entered all the necessary information for your assignment, click “Create.” Your students will then be able to view and complete the assignment via the Google Classroom interface. Additionally, you can easily track student progress by clicking on the “Classwork” tab, which shows each student’s submission status for each assignment. I especially like to create use Google Forms to create assignments that can be automatically graded. 

Collecting Work & Grading Assignments 

Google Classroom makes collecting student work simple. All submissions are stored in an organized folder system so that you can quickly find what you need when it comes time to grade an assignment. You can also leave comments on submissions and provide feedback on individual performance within each assignment or project. And if you want to encourage collaboration amongst your students, you can enable peer review, where students can comment directly on each other’s work before submitting it for grading!  

Communicating with Students in Google Classroom 

Google Classroom also provides teachers with several ways to communicate with their students. For example, teachers can post announcements or questions directly to their classes or individual students via email notifications or within the classroom itself. Additionally, they can create private messages between themselves and individual students if they need to discuss something privately without everyone else seeing it in their class feed. Finally, teachers can also monitor student progress by viewing their grades and other data from within the interface itself.  


By using Google Classroom, teachers are able to streamline their teaching process while still providing quality instruction and engagement opportunities for their students! With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive features, it’s no wonder why so many teachers are turning to this powerful tool for their classrooms! Whether you’re a math teacher or any other type of educator looking for ways to make teaching easier – give Google Classroom a try. Here’s a link to an activity, FREE Online Math Diagnostic Assessment for RIT Band 211-220, that you can copy to your Google Drive and assign to your students via Google Classroom. Please visit my TpT store – Dr, Crystal Brown for more activities that you can use with Google Classroom. 

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